Naturalistic Intelligence

U4energy- 3A Grade Brasov, Romania

Our works from natural materials. 2 Grade B Andrei Saguna School Turda

Visiting Dragus, a Romanian traditional old village

 Students from 3A grade ,,Nicolae Orghidan" School love animals..

The Bulgarian team loves nature too,
World Oceans Day

Kind regards, Reny and pupils :)

Polish team:
We are trying to be about 1,5 hour at the fresh air everyday. Now in our garden we have many, many leafes which fallen down. Look how beautifull colour they have and how much fun they gives us:

Cristina's Prundariu team from Brasov, Romania
science proscience project on PhotoPeach ject on PhotoPeach

Portuguese Team
Yes, halloween arrived and this year we decided to celebrate it at school. Do you want to know how it was?
So, here it is...

Let´s hope you enjoy it so much as we did!:)